
OHBM Neurosalience S2E7: Grass Roots Open Science at Max Planck

We discussed how they got started, what is unique about their group (that it is purely student/post doc driven), what initiatives they are taking on, the need for open science, and how to incentivize people to embrace open science.


Members of the Max Planck for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig Open Science Group

Lieneke Janssen, Ph.D. received her PhD in 2016 from the Donders Institute at Radboud University in Nimegen, The Netherlands, and has been a Postdoc since 2017 in the department of neurology in the “O’Brian Lab” which studies the interplay of obesity and the brain. Her research focus topics:

  • Reinforcement learning and decision-making

  • habitual and goal-directed control of behavior

  • compulsivity in e.g. obesity and addiction

  • the role of dopamine in compulsive behavior

  • the mechanisms of mindfulness

  • behavioral paradigms, neuroimaging (fMRI), interventions (pharmacological, behavioral)

Gisela Govaart, is a PhD. Candidate at the Has Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig and the Einstein Center for Neuroscience. She received her Bachelors in General Linguistics in 2014 and in Philosophy in 2015, both from the University of Amsterdam. Her current research is focused on Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Early Language Acquisition, Phoneme acquisition and voice processing in infancy.


OHBM Neurosalience S2E9: Mangun, Gollub & Calamante on conferences post COVID-19


OHBM Neurosalience S2E3: Nikola Stikov: Physicist, Engineer, Open Scientist, and Communicator